About me

I’m Cristina Bianchi, italian journalist, writer, blogger. Degree: Philosophy. Author: La vita Assurda with Fulvio Scaparro (about Donald W Winnicott). I won a scholarship for a master in journalism at “Gino Palumbo” school at Corriere della Sera in 1991. Still writing and blogging. 

“Despite everything, life is full of beauty and meaning.” (Etty Hillesum, Lettres De Westerbork)


2 Risposte to “About me”

  1. Sophie Bouquerel giugno 13, 2013 a 11:10 PM #

    Coucou ma belle, ça à l’air sympa ton blog, mais je ne comprends pas un mot d’italien. Qu’est-ce que tu fais maintenant ? Bisous. Sophie.

    "Mi piace"

    • cristinbianchi giugno 14, 2013 a 6:47 am #

      Thank you sophie I’m an Italian journalist I write for A magazine and corriere.it. Looking for a good job. Specialized in women’s issues, job, rights but also psychology, politics social trends… I will look to your site! I will send you My contacts by mail. I can read french. Not writing in french…😳

      "Mi piace"

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